Sunday, July 19, 2009


he could not afford to live

he is sick and he would deny

he is in pain and he would smile

everything is fine, it's all a lie

he travelled the distance to seek remedy

and the remedy is out of hand

he would go home with the same troubles

would thank God for another day of miracle

he was left to die

he was left without a name; a family

no one to be with him in his remaining days

he could not cry because the tears were too painful

he could not talk because he has to breathe

the world was apathetic

and he couldn't take his self-pity

he could only wish to be some place else as death

than stay and be mocked at until his last breath

he could wish for one more day

he would confess all his faults

he would wallow of the past and cry

and blood would come out of his mouth

remains of the wrecking body

he could not take it any longer and scream and curse

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